New Year’s Resolution: Travel More

Posted by on Dec 30, 2019 in Blog | Comments Off on New Year’s Resolution: Travel More

Well friends, it’s that time of year again, when we start getting excited about all the silly little promises we make to ourselves as we welcome a new year. We’re going to eat better, naturally. That gym membership we used last January, we’re renewing that, because well, we’re definitely getting in shape this year! We’re going to stop watching so much Netflix and pick up more books, and get involved in community service, and spend more time with our parents, and start doing yoga, and and and…

These are all great ideas, and you should totally get started on them. But if you really want to make 2020 the best year ever, you need only one resolution: Travel more!

We know, easier said than done, right? Traveling more is one of those resolutions we make every year for ourselves, but rarely truly commit to. So let’s do it different this year, and actually make it happen, shall we? Yes, we say that every year also, but this time we’re committed! And, we came up with some ways to make it more achievable. Use these tips to stick to your new year’s resolution to travel more! Your soul will thank you.

Take a Look Around You

Yes, we want to catch flights to faraway lands and explore the whole world one continent at a time too. But, unless we become sought after travel writers, our budget probably won’t let that happen just yet. So for now, take a look around your home town. No, we don’t mean look for things to do in your city, we mean take a look at other cities and states that are nearby. If you live in a place like Omaha, Nebraska, you’re only about six hours from St. Louis. St. Louis is an awesome place to travel to, especially if you’ve never been there. If you travel by plane, you can be there in just over an hour, and it’ll cost you far less than traveling somewhere distant.

This applies to nearly all of us, we all live close to some new destination or adventure. You don’t have to spend all your savings on one getaway, stretch that budget out and see as many places near you as you can! Do it every month if you can!

Don’t Wait for Others

One of the big reasons people don’t travel as much as they’d like, is because they haven’t yet embraced the idea that you don’t have to wait on your friends, or family, to get out and explore. I’m here to tell you this little secret, and it’s one you’re going to want to really think about; there is nothing more freeing, and soul cleansing, and memorable, than going on a solo adventure. Solo adventures give you a whole new level of freedom. You can eat whatever and whenever you want, you can spend as much or as little time in one place as you’d like, skip the famous sights and hunker down in the best dive bar in town for a while, strike up conversations with strangers you wouldn’t normally get a chance to meet. The possibilities are endless when you’re not tied to another person on your trip. So book your getaway, and spend a little time with yourself.

Short and Sweet Mini Adventures

Taking multiple mini adventures throughout the year is a great way to see and do more, while not worrying about coming up with thousands of dollars to spend on one vacation that lasts a week or more. If you’re good at planning ahead, a couple days is all you need to really get out and see the sights at your next destination. When your friends are talking about their annual vacation that took them to Florida this year, you can chime in and tell them about your seven mini vacations that took you all over the country. Who wins that conversation? You do!

Travel is Worth Sacrifice

If traveling more in the New Year is truly something you want to make happen, you may have to make some sacrifices elsewhere. Be ready to make some changes to your budget, your spending habits, maybe even a few of your vices (stop buying so many gourmet coffees is a good one). I promise you, it’ll be worth it. The memories of your adventures will be far more awesome than the memories that get made down at Joe’s Ale House every Tuesday night, where it’s always the same thing, with the same people, and the same headache the next day. No offense, Joe, we love a good pint as much as anybody, but we love adventures to new and exciting ale houses even more!

Whatever you have to do to make this resolution come to life, do it. There is nothing like traveling to new places, and experiencing as much life as we can. Our planet is filled with wonder and adventure, and it’s available to those who seek it. So make this year the year that you stick to that resolution, and make all the memories. Have you ever floated down a river in a big steel tank? No? Well then, while you’re mapping out your travel plans for 2020, be sure to include a stop at the Sandhills Motel in Mullen, Nebraska. We have all kinds of adventure for you to enjoy!