There are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration when you plan on going kayaking or canoe camping for an extended period of time. Even if you’re not canoe camping and only plan on being out on the river for a day, you need to make sure that you’ve got enough calories packed in your vessel to keep you going throughout the day. Not getting enough nutrition while you’re out on the river means that you’ll start to feel slower and sluggish. You’ll get tired easily. Once that starts happening, you’ll begin to make mistakes that may end up causing injury. We’ve got some tips and tricks to help you keep you energy level up throughout the day and your canoe camping trip running strong. They might not be fancy, but they’re camping meals that are easy to pack, easy to prepare, and loaded with nutrition.
There’s a reason it’s called the most important meal of the day. It’s extremely important that you eat a nutritional breakfast to help recoup lost calories and have plenty left for your body to burn until you eat lunch. These canoe camping meals are quick and easy.
Instant Oatmeal – This is one of our camping meals that is extremely popular because it’s easy to pack, easy to prepare, and loaded with nutrition to keep your fuel cells pumping all day.
Breakfast Bars – Typically, these bars have plenty of protein and the foil wrap keeps them dry, which is perfect for kayaking or canoe camping.
Canned Fruit – Canned fruit is easy to store, doesn’t require any cooking, and is a great way to start off the day.
Tortillas – While we wouldn’t recommend eating tortillas plain, they can easily be prepared and packed beforehand. Try spreading peanut butter on half and jelly on the other half and rolling them up. They’re also great with scrambled eggs and hot sauce. Tortillas are versatile as long as they’re dry, use them with your imagination to come up with some other great camping meals.
You’ve made it through half of your day, your breakfast is starting to wear thin. You don’t want to get out of your kayak, so what do you do? Planning ahead on trips like this is essential. Preparing camping meals for lunch can save you a lot of headache and, by keeping you on the river, you don’t have to worry about losing any ground by having to shore up and set up camp for lunch.
Mini Sandwich – Packing crackers, cheese, and summer sausage can give you a nice, quick and filling lunchtime camping meal.
Pitas – Pitas pack fairly easily. Stuff them with your favorite vegetables and some lunch meat for protein beforehand and pack them in watertight bags.
Tuna & Crackers – Canned tuna also packs well and some cans don’t even require a can opener. Add this to some crackers for a camping meal mixed with protein and carbohydrates to keep you going for the rest of your trip.
Soup – Plan ahead and make some extra hot water when you’re making your breakfast. Use instant soup mix and water in a thermos to keep the soup warm for the next few hours. This is especially good if you’re out during a chilly day.
You’re time spend paddling for the day is coming to an end. You’re ready to build a nice fire, stretch out, and replenish for tomorrow. One of the best parts of canoe camping is winding down at the end of a fantastic day on the river. Celebrate your adventure and prepare a camping meal fit for royalty.
Chicken and Rice – Use canned chicken, instant rice, and a bit of salsa if you prefer. Mix these together over the fire for a great protein boost.
Fish – If you caught any fish while you were on the river, clean it, and fry it up. Through a little olive oil in your pan, add some flour to the fish after you’ve skinned it and enjoy. Fish is an excellent source of protein and healthy amino acids.
Mac & Cheese – There many single serving packages of mac & cheese that are easily storable and require only hot water. Load up for tomorrow’s adventure with carbohydrates for dinner.
Meat & Potatoes – We did say eat like royalty, and we saved the best of our camping meals for kayakers and canoers for last. Use dried mashed potatoes with gravy and add boiling water to cook them. Use steak chunks & veggies (pre-cut and stored in seasoning with olive oil and dried gravy) pre-stored in tinfoil. Boil water on campfire to make mashed potatoes and the gravy. Then, simply cook the tinfoil package with the meat and veggies in it over the fire. Finally, toss the cooked packet over the mashed potatoes and top with gravy!
Canoe camping and kayaking can be an amazing experience and certainly can take the phrase “roughing it” to new levels. Being in a kayak or canoe means you don’t have the same amount of storage as you do at a typical campsite, but that doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice on food or nutrition. For your next canoe camping or kayaking adventure, visit the Sandhills Motel. Call us at 308.546.2206 or click here to contact us to make your reservations for your Nebraska canoe camping or kayaking adventure, and don’t forget to Like Us on Facebook!