We’ve got RV Camping Tips for Your Cross-Country Road Trip

Posted by on May 6, 2016 in Blog, Relaxing Accommodations, Sandhills Motel | Comments Off on We’ve got RV Camping Tips for Your Cross-Country Road Trip

Whether it’s penned in a journal, fastened to the fridge with a magnet, or logged safely away in your memory bank, chances are good that you’ve devised for yourself a list of things you’d like to see and do while here on earth. Do you want to travel abroad and experience unfamiliar cultures? Or maybe you’d like witness the broad and diverse countryside of the United States.

A cross-country road trip is a dream shared by many. Each and every summer, we see travelers from all across the country. It’s not surprising either, the Sandhills Journey Scenic Byway is one of the top ten drives in the country! If a cross-country road trip graces the bulleted items on your bucket list, we’ve got the RV camping tips and tricks to help you out.

In the spirit of “list making,” here’s an RV camping trip planner list to help guide you towards realizing the trip of your wildest imaginings:

Set Dates. When you pick the dates of your RV camping, cross-country road trip, scribble them on your calendar and request the appropriate time off from work. You’re making a personal commitment to the adventure at-hand. Good for you! You’ve taken a huge step towards making your travel goals happen.

Figure your Finances. Do you need to rent or buy an RV? How much gas will it take to get you from home base to your final destination, and back again? What’s your “per diem” for food, drink, entertainment, necessities, etc.? Planning for these contingencies is an important part of your overall RV camping trip or your cross-country road trip.

Explore RV Trip Routes. There is so much to see and do in this great stretch of city, prairie, and wilderness between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Where you can go and what you can see are determined by how much time and money you can dedicate to your adventure.

Get Yourself Some Wheels! Choosing an RV for your cross-country road trip is like choosing a summer home. Make sure it’s comfortable and spacious enough to accommodate all of your travelers. RVs can either be rented or purchased, new or used. Prepare yourself for the “RV hunt” by making a list of must-haves before hitting lots and test-driving vehicles. Necessary amenities include a bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, and plenty of sleeping and storage space.

Stock your RV. While you’re out sniffing for the perfect mobile summer home, start making an RV camping trip master list of all of the necessities you’ll need to pack on board to get you through the voyage. This includes clothing, toiletries, onboard food and drink, activities for long driving stretches, etc.

Go! All too often, we find ourselves bogged down by the everyday grind, wishing that we were in a position to just get up and go! Kiss reality goodbye for the time being and spend some time taking in life from a different perspective—from the road!

If you decide to strike out and tour the country, make sure the beautiful Sandhills of Nebraska are on your list. We hope you’ll come visit us at the Sandhills Motel and tell us about all you’ve seen while on the road. With clean, comfortable rooms, RV camping sites, tent camping sites, canoeing, kayaking, and tanking (Nebraska’s favorite pastime) available, we’ve got just the relaxation you’re looking for. Give us a call at 308-546-2206 or contact us to make your reservation today!